
AGC Has Three Courses

  • Blue Tees: Gents Championship Course, 6685 yards, par 70. Slope rating 124.
  • White Tees: Gents Normal Course, 6309 yards, par 70. Slope rating 117.
  • Red Tees: Ladies Normal Course, 6309 yards, par 75. Slope rating 128.
    The Ladies tees are co-located at the same location as the Gents Normal Course tees.


Hole 1

Good fore – Par 4 – 376 yards – Stroke Index 9  |  Ladies Par 5 Stroke Index 17

Not too difficult to start, with a slight dog-leg left-to-right:

  • An average drive (into the usual prevailing wind) followed by a mid or long-iron onto the green
  • Big hitters (who can drive 250 yards) may choose to drive across the corner of the dog-leg, to follow with a wedge shot
  • Beware out-of-bounds to the left, especially when there is a southerly wind assisting your gloriously straight drive
  • On the green, care is needed if the pin position is at the left-front position, as a putt from above the hole may slow-down then speed-up.

There is no championship tee at Hole 1.

Hole 2

Needle’s Eye – Par 4 – 331 yards – Stroke Index 11  |  Ladies Par 4 – Stroke Index 9

An easy hole – but only for those that can hit perfectly straight:

  • An average drive, usually into the prevailing wind
  • The second shot is the challenge – lay-up short of the green if you are not fully confident with your irons, as there are high-walled bunkers at left & right sides
  • If the pin is at the back, use caution with your 2nd/3rd shot – if you go over the back, you are unlikely to hole-out in under 3 more shots
  • If your ball comes to rest on the front-left of the green, with the pin back-left, you may wish to chip over the left-bunker. In this case and playing under AGC Local Rules, you may not use your mat on the green.

The Championship tee is to the right of the normal tee, creating a 357 yard hole (adding 26 yards).

Hole 3

Long Carry – Par 4 – 412 yards – Stroke Index 3  |  Ladies Par 5 Stroke Index 3

Dog-leg left, terraced green protected by fairway/left-side bunkers:

  • Usually downwind, big hitters either need the skill of a controlled draw around the dog-leg, or might club-down to a 3-wood to ensure a tee shot does not run-off into the bushes
  • You need confidence if you intend your second shot to land on the green. Caution may be best – lay-up in front of the fairway bunker
  • The green is terraced – when the pin is at front-left, the ball may speed up if putted from above the hole. Holing-out is more easily achieved if starting from below the hole
  • Likewise if the pin is at front-right. With this pin position, note that the break is huge if you have to putt towards the pin along the ridge of the terrace.

The Championship tee is to the left and rear of the normal tee, adding 52 yards to create a 464 yard hole (not shown in this schematic).

Hole 4

LongCardiac – Par 3 – 109 yards – Stroke Index 17  |  Ladies Par 3 Stroke Index 13

The easiest hole on the course, provided you avoid the precipitous cliff to the right – a good tee-shot will set up a birdie chance:

  • Take note of any wind direction on the tee – the prevailing wind usually assists the length of the tee-shot
  • At all costs, try not to go over the cliff to the right
  • If you do go over the cliff, be very cautious with playing the ball as it lies (have you practiced this shot previously in a quiet moment?)
  • For the more cautious, if your tee shot lands in the left bunker, an alternative to a sand-wedge may be a sideways putt.

There is no championship tee at Hole 4.


Note: The OB line is now just to the right of the pipelines
(this schematic shows its old position)

Hole 5

Eagle’s Nest – Par 5 – 517 yards – Stroke Index 13  |  Ladies Par 5 Stroke Index 1

Long dog-leg right par-5, with trouble looming in the rough and the green protected by a large front-side bunker:

  • Keep your tee-shot to the left of the fairway, to give the best angle for a second shot towards the green
  • The rough on the fairway right side in the area before and after the dog-leg is a mix of trees and rubble – it will cost you if you end in it
  • Also, don’t forget that the left-side out-of-bounds is quite close to the fairway
  • On your approach shot to the green, if not absolutely confident of getting on the green, aim slightly right to avoid the bunker.

There is no championship tee at Hole 5.

Hole 6

Jackson’s Folly – Par 3 – 139 yards – Stroke Index 7  |  Ladies Par 3 Stroke Index 7

A terraced hole to test your iron tee-shot accuracy, with bunkers everywhere:

  • Competent players choosing an iron tee-shot onto the green need accuracy and as high a shot as possible – the green is protected by a deep front-side bunker, right and rear bunkers.
  • The more cautious approach is to land a tee-shot in the valley at the entrance to the green, for the ball to roll up onto the green
  • The front-left bunker is deep and difficult to recover from
  • If the pin is on the upper terrace, beware the break that the terrace makes.

The Championship tee is to the right of the normal tee, creating a 183 yard hole (adding 44 yards).

Hole 7

Old First – Par 4 – 474 yards – Stroke Index 1 |  Ladies Par 5 Stroke Index 15

A long par-4, with penalty areas on the approach to the green:

  • The longest par-4 on the course. Aim your tee-shot very slightly left to avoid the two fairway bunkers on the right side
  • Can you hit a good long-iron, or fairway wood? Then perhaps you would choose to go for the green with your second shot. Otherwise, lay-up in front of the fairway bunker at a distance of about 100 yards
  • Beware the penatly areas as you approach the green, both to the left and right sides. Also, a ball that lands in front of the green tends to roll to the right
  • To make the hole more difficult, shallow bunkers surround the green to the back and right side.

There is no championship tee at Hole 7.

Hole 8

Lewis’s – Par 3 – 199 yards – Stroke Index 5  |  Ladies Par 3 Stroke Index 11

Straight par-3, but with difficult bunkers surrounding the green:

  • The hole challenges your accuracy for a 200 yard shot
  • There are ditches on the approach to the green, but are not difficult to recover from
  • The green has quite deep bunkers – avoid these at all costs, as one can easily ping-pong from one bunker to the other and back again
  • When the pin is at the back of the green, care is needed not to run over the back – you are likely to need another 3 shots to hole-out if you do.

There is no championship tee at Hole 8.

Hole 9

Long Drag – Par 5 – 541 yards – Stroke Index 15  |  Ladies Par 5 Stroke Index 5

A long par 5, needing steady play down the middle:

  • Following your tee-shot, your second is likely to be a fairway wood. Aim this shot to lay-up in front of the fairway bunker, or aim to the right of it. If there is a following (southerly) wind, big-hitters have a chance of making it onto the green in two.
  • Beware the rough to the right – there is out-of-bounds along this side of the fairway
  • The green has a shallow bunker to its right, with both shallow and deep bunkers at its rear. Caution is needed – play to land your approach shot in front of the green, for the ball to roll forward.

The Championship tee is to the right of the normal tee, creating a 574 yard hole (adding 33 yards).

Hole 10

Scarff’s – Par 4 – 416 yards – Stroke Index 6  |  Ladies Par 4Stroke Index 6

A kind hole to start the back nine, with just a couple of irritating bunkers:

  • Your tee-shot should be aimed slightly right, to give the best angle for the approach shot onto the green
  • The hole is often down-wind, so choose your second-shot club appropriately
  • There is a shallow bunker to the left of the green, and a deeper one to the rear of the green.

There is no championship tee at Hole 10.


Note: There is OB to the right of the fairway, along the edge of the
driving range (this schematic does not show this OB line)

Hole 11

Hill 69 – Par 4 – 431 yards – Stroke Index 2  |  Ladies Par 5 Stroke Index 18

Dog-leg right par-4, with difficult rough to the right:

  • Aim a tee-shot just to the left of the large fairway tree, so as to open up the green for your second (hopefully) approach shot onto the green
  • Alternatively, with a following wind, and confident of your accuracy, aim a tee-shot slightly to the right of the fairway tree
  • Avoid the rough to the right – the hill at the dog-leg hides the green, and any shot over it is nothing more than just hopeful
  • Although the green has no bunkers, there is quite a steep drop-off to its left into the rough, and the rough is very close to the green’s right side.

The Championship tee is to the right of the normal tee, creating a 473 yard hole (adding 42 yards).

Hole 12

Twin Sisters – Par 3 – 160 yards – Stroke Index 14  |  Ladies Par 5 Stroke Index 12

An easy par-3 – just avoid the green-side bunkers:

  • Try to get plenty of height on your tee-shot. Beware club choice with the normal following wind.
  • If you are not confident with your tee-shot accuracy, aim to lay-up short of the green, hoping for a guaranteed par
  • If your tee-shot is wayward into the rough on the right side of the green, you may choose a hard putt at the bunker wall as an alternative to a chip. This bunker wall is angled and, if you get it right, your ball will bounce onto the green. If you don’t, typically your ball will end up in the green’s left-side bunker.
  • The green is both sloped and slightly terraced – beware the break.

There is no championship tee at Hole 12.

Hole 13

Parker’s – Par 4 – 379 yards – Stroke Index 10  |  Ladies Par 4 Stroke Index 2

A par-4 hole to test your long-iron capability:

  • Keep your tee-shot straight or slightly left to avoid the ditch and trees to the right of the fairway. But not too far left, or you’ll be in the left-side ditch
  • The rough on both sides of the fairway is messy, especially on the right side near the green
  • Getting onto the green in 2 is not easy: you may choose to lay-up your second shot in front of the fairway bunker
  • Although there are no green-side bunkers, the rough surrounding the green definitely is.

The Championship tee is to the right of the normal tee, creating a 409 yard hole (adding 30 yards).

Hole 14

Missile Creek – Par 3 – 133 yards – Stroke Index 18  |  Ladies Par 3 Stroke Index 14

Elevated tee position, green surrounded with bunkers, with the wind usually featuring:

  • Your tee shot is influenced by the wind most of the time. Be especially aware of this with a southerly, following wind
  • Unless you are competent with back-spin or you are against the wind, aim to land the ball just over the ridge in front of the green, allowing the ball to roll on to the green
  • The rough to the left and right of the green is very messy and to be avoided
  • If you land amongst the oil pipes at the green’s rear, you must drop in the nearest dropping zone in the rough (without penalty).

The Championship tee is to the right of the normal tee, creating a 155 yard hole (adding 22 yards).

Hole 15

Graveyard – Par 4 – 418 yards – Stroke Index 4  |  Ladies Par 5 Stroke Index 10

Long par-4 into prevailing wind, with a close-in O/B to capture a slightly wayward tee-shot left:

  • The graveyard (yes, it is a graveyard) is only slightly off-centre of your tee-shot on the left. Aim slightly right for safety
  • The two fairway bunkers are shallow. It is not difficult to pitch out of them (at a distance of about 90 yards) and onto the green
  • The green is surrounded with bunkers, with the back bunker being the deepest. On your approach shot, land short and allow the ball to roll on.
  • Beware the large break when the pin is positioned in either front-left or front-right positions.

The Championship tee is to the left of the normal tee, creating a 488 yard hole (adding 70 yards), and encouraging a tee-shot over the graveyard.

Hole 16

McGregor’s – Par 4 – 409 yards – Stroke Index 12  |  Ladies Par 4 Stroke Index 8

Dog-leg right, normally down-wind, just avoid the bunkers:

  • Aim a tee-shot slightly left so as to avoid the fairway bunker, and give the best approach angle to the green. Big-hitters, in down-wind conditions, may choose to show there prowess by aiming over the right-side bunker, adding a controlled fade to impress
  • Beware the bunker protecting the front-right of the green
  • There is a shallow bunker to the left side of the green as well.

There is no championship tee at Hole 16.

Hole 17

The Moat – Par 4 – 376 yards – Stroke Index 8  |  Ladies Par 5 Stroke Index 16

Long par-4, dog-leg left with two penalty areas/no-play zones:

  • A good tee-shot will set up a chance of getting on the green in 2
  • The hole plays into the wind normally. Take extra club for a second shot onto the green, ensuring you clear the penalty areas (better to be over the penalty areas and over the back of the green than in the penalty areas)
  • If you are playing your tee-shot with a following wind, you may choose a 3-wood to not run off into the tree line on the right-hand side of the fairway
  • Caution is often the best choice on this hole, laying up in front of the penalty areas. Usually, try to lay-up to the left side of the main penalty area, to take the large tree on the right side of the fairway out of the equation.

The Championship tee is to the left of the normal tee, creating a 401 yard hole (adding 25 yards).

Hole 18

Khalas – Par 5 – 489 yards – Stroke Index 16  |  Ladies Par 5 Stroke Index 4

A straight hole, but with a bite for those over the back of the green:

  • Normally into the wind, most tee-shots will not reach the fairway bunker, so aim directly at this bunker or slightly right
  • Beware the O/B to the right side of the fairway, and aim your second shot, likely to be a fairway wood, directly at the green. Beware the bunker at the right side of the approach to the green
  • If you are pitching onto the green from the green side of the road, make the effort to go up the hill and note the exact position of the flag (identify direction guides as you go back to your ball)
  • The green is protected with a bunker along the whole of its right side. Avoid, at all costs, pitching over the back of the green: there is a large drop-off into another bunker.

The Championship tee is to the right of the normal tee, creating a 521 yard hole (adding 32 yards).

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