- Promptly implement the decisions of the Website Administrator, updating the website look, feel, functionality and content
- If the website is not created using a content management system (such as Wordpress), to program the website using the web-based programming languages already in use within the website.
- If you are the website programmer,
- Here is an approximation to show what the website looks like on various sizes of smartphone or mobile device,
- Here are some programming notes,
- Here is the action after a weekend competition when the effects of the orange juice have abated, and
- Here are some tenets to assist with formal document writing (our Local Rules).
AGC's domain name www.awaligolfclub.com was registered on 12th December 2001. According to
this small article published in "The AGC Newsletter" of November 2002, AGC web presence commenced in July 2002. Committee member Raj Malik was instrumental in designing the initial site. Bapco employee (now retired) Andy McAlpine further developed the site, and

this was its design just prior to 1st September 2012.
On this date, a new website - completely replacing the first - was created by guest member Onny Martin. Onny has continued to design, program and maintain the website ever since (amongst lots of other things). The homepage of this new website looked like
In the 2013/14 season, with a greater emphasis shown toward maintaining and increasing external sponsorship, the new post of "Sponsorship Member" was added to the Committee. Associated with this, the homepage was redesigned to
this, so that sponsors logos were a little more obvious.
Having received criticism in October 2017 that the homepage design was "functional" and should be more modern, glitzy and dynamic, the homepage was redesigned again, to what you see
now, going live on 17th November 2017. This website was the first to include complete smartphone compatibility. And you may be interested to know that the website is
not built using a content management system (such as WordPress): it is manually programmed by the Club member who tries his best to be up there with the best of them.
Website visitor
statistics for this website have been recorded since 13th July, 2013.
You may test your internet download speed:
- First, clear your browser cache (important!) then click here to download a page containing 5 x 100kB images and see the resultant speed.
- Alternatively, as a quick speed check, you may see the speed at which the homepage loaded: hover your cursor at the very top right corner of the home page (the cursor changes when you are in the correct place) and click on this hidden link.